Oil your hair
Every. Damn. Day
Benefits? What kind of Oil? How to do it?
Why you should oil your extensions…
Hair Extensions have been through some pretty hectic chemical processing, right? … Well, not all extensions :P the hair we use at Blushington has had minimal chemical processing, no excessive lightening and no acid baths, but, it has still been processed, so it still needs extra TLC.
By applying oil on the midlengths to ends, we are adding in the natural shine & slip that extensions
can lack, particularly as they age, similar to how use oils on our skin… as we age XD
Why can they lack this? The hair isn’t attached to the scalp the way our natural hair is, so while our natural hair gets to enjoy the super oils that our bodies produce, our extensions, sadly, do not.
If you have not been oiling your extensions :O it is never too late to start, and you will be so shocked at the difference this really simple, quick step can make.
What kind of oil should you use?
Argon oil? Coconut Oil?
When looking for an oil, the MOST important thing to look for is what kind of silicone is used.
Silicone can be a big bad word in the hair and beauty industry, but not all silicone’s are bad, in fact, some are AAH-MAZING. What you need is a water-soluble silicone which just means that it will wash off when you shampoo your hair, it doesn’t build up and block the cuticles over time.
I cannot scream this loud enough, PLEASE DO NOT USE COCONUT OIL.
I have 2 big issues with the use of coconut oil.
1) It creates a coating on the hair, I like analogy of ‘silicone condom’ over the hair shaft. lol. crass, but true. It does not wash off easily in water and will build up over time. We don’t want that. k?
2) It has a very low burning point. Have you ever put coconut oil in a pan and noticed how quickly it goes black and smokey? When coconut oil burns, it turns from a good fat to a toxic fat. So, if you have used coconut oil in your hair and residue has remained (which it will do) you will literally fry your hair when you use hot tools, because it heats so much quicker than other oils. hot hot hot, girl.
There are so many types of silicone’s and sub-categories of silicone’s in the market right now and even more types of oils, so I have done the hard work for you and found the best oil for extensions, but we will get to that soon.
How to do it?
Apply to dry hair after styling
Only apply to midlenghts - ends, never on the roots
Use a small amount, just enough to easily coat the hair
Apply every second or third day on brand new extensions, increasing to everyday as your extensions age.
ok. So what oil is best?
I have tried countless different brands & different kinds of oils, yet I kept always coming back to good ol’ Argon Oil.
I have always found it to be the lightest, the most conditioning and the least ‘synthetic’ feeling, but a risk with Argon Oil is that lesser quality brands have been known to stain blonde hair, so as a blondie myself, looking for a brand that did not discolour any hair, natural or extensions, was obviously a non-negotiable.
All my searching led me to Milkshake Argon Oil.
It is non-staining, super light weight, runny enough to distribute evenly and the bottle doesn’t leak all over my stuff, which is a nice perk.
I love this oil!
I have it on the shelves for purchase at Blushington for $30, or, you can get it complimentary in new sets of extensions done by me :P